Space Dust Studios

Developer Blog

Tag: space dust racers (page 1 of 2)

A new year, a new name: Obliteracers!

Obliteracers Logo

Space Dust Racers always felt like a working title to us. It wasn’t particularly descriptive of the core gameplay, and was a little longwinded to say. From our very first public appearance at GDC 2014, we’d had chats about finding a better name, but it was always something to be swept away for a later date… we had more important things to worry about after all, like building the game!

But one dark and stormy night, Grigor burned the midnight oil flipping through a thesaurus trying to lock in on what it was that made our combat racing game great. At 3am he cried aloud “EUREKA!”… then profusely apologized to his wife for waking the baby.

We’re sure you’ll agree Obliteracers is much more on point for the combat-oriented gameplay we’re going for… we’re as much about the destruction as we are about the speed!


“Has the Obliteracers name change caused outrage and internal conflict amongst your team?” “Uh, not really, no.”

We have a lot more to talk about over the next few months as we wind up for our PC release. You can help us out by letting your friends know about the game, and if you haven’t already, follow our Steam store page so you’re notified when you can buy the game. Or don’t, I don’t care, I’m not your dad.

PS. Remember when we said we were doing early access? So yeah, about that. After a bunch of long talky meetings with lots of doodling on notepads, we kinda decided not to do that and just release instead. The reason is because we want your first experience with Obliteracers to be super awesome and slick and polished and amazing, and early access just wasn’t going to give us that experience. Call us traditionalists. So thanks for your understanding.


Meet our latest Space Dust Racers map “Transporter”

We’re firm believers that the best party games keep it simple, and our latest Space Dust Racers map Transporter is no exception. Check out the gorgeous weather variations our art team has whipped up, that not only look pretty but also radically affect gameplay.

During the evening things are calm and quiet, but during heavy seas huge waves toss the entire race track around. Head into colder waters and ice on the tracks will cause racers to slip and slide their way to victory. Oh yeah, and there’s a huge foghorn!

Transporter Shot 1

Transporter Shot 2

Transporter Shot 3

Developer Playtest #2 – June 2015 – Space Dust Racers

Team Space Dust battle it out in a game of Survival on Clawtopia Tropic Heat. A whopping 19 minute round… perhaps we might need to pull back the score limits? 🙂

Developer Playtest #1 – May 2015 – Space Dust Racers

Developer playtest time! Watch the Space Dust dev team battle it out on NuVark in a game of Knockout:

Space Dust Racers hits Kickstarter

We’re thrilled to announce that you can now support Space Dust Racers on Kickstarter!

Limited early bird rewards are available now. Secure a copy of the game, put your pet in Space Dust Racers as a playable character, graffiti the Varkian universe, get exclusive backer-only content, or become a super early test pilot in our closed alpha and pre-alpha programs! There’s also a gorgeous limited edition art book up for grabs along with a completely original swingin’ soundtrack.

You can help us out heaps by sharing with your friends! Know someone who’d be excited about the game? Use the “Share this project” button at the top of the project page to tell them about it!

Thanks a lot for your support!

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